Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse
http://www.wapol.org/ <http://www.wapol.org/>
Nouvelle École de Psychanalyse — New Lacanian School
http://www.amp-nls.org/ <http://www.amp-nls.org/>
Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to inform you of the establishment of the "Lacanian Network," a new venture uniting the teaching work of colleagues of the "Centre of Lacanian Studies" and of "Centre Jacques Lacan" in the framework of the Institute of the Freudian Field. With the beginning of the present year of studies, conversations took place among various teachers concerning possible traversals of the atomization of the work of teaching in the Freudian Field in Israel. Eventually, teachers were presented with a proposal for a "Lacanian Network," formulated by Ernesto Piechotka and Gabriel Dahan. Following discussions, this proposal was accepted by all teachers. We regard this cooperation as a vital step for the future of the Lacanian enterprise in this country. The Lacanian Network will make possible the expansion of ranks and the cooperation of all colleagues of the Freudian Field in israel. The proposal was formulated in a letter addressed to Jacques-Alain Miller. After a conversation between the teachers and Alexandre Stevens, we received a letter from Jacques-Alain Miller, quoted below, which accepts the initiative:
"Dear Colleagues, Further to the report I received from Alexandre Stevens, I accept the proposal for the fusion of the Centre for Lacanian Studies and the Lacan Centre, which will become The Network, and which will assume the organization of teaching in three cities -- Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Zikhron – by all the teachers who have already been appointed and who have taught at those Centres. At the same time, I give my agreement to the inclusion of Shirley Zisser in the Centre for Lacanian Studies.
All the above, within the framework of the Freudian Field.
With my most cordial regards and my wishes for your success,
Jacques-Alain Miller."
We, the undersigned, members of the teaching staff of the Lacanian Network, join Jacques-Alain Miller in his expression of wishes for the success of this venture:
Diana Bergovoy, Gabriel Dahan, Nehama Guesser, Susanna Huler, Claudia Iddan, Diana Margalit, Ernesto Piechotka, Susy Piechotka, Shirley Sharon-Zisser, Liliana Singer, Nesia ZIfman
Translation: Shirley Sharon-Zisser
Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse
http://www.wapol.org/ <http://www.wapol.org/>
Nouvelle École de Psychanalyse — New Lacanian School
http://www.amp-nls.org/ <http://www.amp-nls.org/>
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