22 de dezembro de 2009


NLS MESSAGER 622 ___________________

WAP Congress
Call for papers
by Eric Laurent

The executive committee has decided to launch a new call for papers addressed to both newcomers and members.
Your contributions should bear on one of the three following themes of choice:

  1. The procedure of the pass and its possible reconfiguration;
  2. 2.The position of the psychoanalyst / psychoanalysand, such as it appeared after the November Journees of the ECF and ENAPOL;
  3. 3. The question of the Sinthome, that is, the mode of jouissance in the different dimensions (dit-mensions) of the real, the symbolic and the imaginary

Contributions should not exceed 6400 signs, including spaces, for presentations of 10 minutes. They must be received by mail (subject heading, in capital letters: TLON) by midnight, local time of sending, on 15th of February, addressed to the President of the WAP: ericlaurent@lacanian.net and the Director of the Congress: luis.solano@orange.fr <mailto:luis.solano@orange.fr> and
Contributions will be subject to a double selection: the first selection will decide between acceptable texts and those judged insufficient; the second selection will allocate the texts accepted into: work to be presented orally and work to be collected for a brochure.

For the Executive Committee
Eric Laurent

Website of the Congress of the WAP

Registration is now open for the 'New Comers'.
Click on the 'New Comers' tab, available in five languages.
Direct link to the page in English


El Blog du Congrès
Le tout nouveau Blog
http://amp2010paris.wordpress.com <http://amp2010paris.wordpress.com>


www.amp-nls.org <http://www.amp-nls.org> <http://www.amp-nls.org <http://www.amp-nls.org/> > www.wapol.org <http://www.wapol.org> <http://www.wapol.org <http://www.wapol.org/> >

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