1 de janeiro de 2010

FW: 'Knottings' Seminar of the NLS: programme, 9 January 2010, 2pm ULU

The London Society
of the New Lacanian School

Mother, Daughter, Woman in the 21st Century

Dear Colleagues,

At the forthcoming Knottings Seminar of the New Lacanian School we will hear theoretical and clinical papers on this year’s theme ‘Mother, Daughter, Woman in the 21st Century’ in preparation of the NLS congress in Paris in June 2010


Chair: Veronique Voruz (chair London Society)

Pierre-Gilles Gueguen (president of the NLS): ‘Of Women and Some Semblants’
Luc Vander Vennet (Ghent, Belgium): ‘Female Homosexuality Between Brackets’
Richard Klein (London Society): “Keep Mama Flush”

We look forward to seeing you there

Saturday, 9 January 2010
2pm – 5pm
ULU, Malet St. WC1
2nd Floor, Bloomsbury Suite
Fee for non-members: £15/£10 consc.

Kind Regards

Natalie Wulfing


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