27 de setembro de 2010

NEL-Miami. Getting ready for the Clinical Study Days #5 "Reading the Unconscious". Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 7:00 pm


Circle of lectures:

Getting ready for the Clinical Study Days #5 “Reading the Unconscious"

First Lecture: “Reading the Unconscious”

Speaker: Fernando Schutt, LMHC

Member of the Word Association of Psychoanalysis

Member of NEL-Miami

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 7:00 pm

Address: Nueva Escuela Lacaniana

782 NW 42nd AVE, Suite 203-A

Miami, FL 33126

Entrance is Free

Phone: 305-461-0999

E-mail: info@nel-miami.org

The Lacanian Compass and the Members of the WAP in the US, have been holding an annual nation-wide conference showing and debating our clinical practice at the USA.

This time Miami Beach will host the Clinical Study Days #5 from January 14 - 16. The NEL- Miami is celebrating it with a series of short related conferences

Participation in these conferences is free and open to the public.

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