12 de janeiro de 2011

Starting Blog for the Congress

Messager 19 - 2010/2011

Starting Blog pour le congrès

Subject: Starting Blog for the Congress

'Starting Blog' for the Congress

Dear Colleague

The NLS Congress is in three months time, in London the 2/3 April 2011

The Argument and the logistics can be found on the website: http://www.amp-nls.org. The argument rigorously clarifies the theme – now it is up to us to make it come alive in the run up to the Congress.

In order for the whole of our School to be able to participate in the debate we have opened a blog at the following address: http://www.amp-nls.org/blog

You are invited to add your comments to the texts on this blog. You can also propose a short text yourself, which should not exceed 3000 characters (incl. spaces). The texts give an account of a sticking point, of a surprise or of a debate on the workings of psychoanalysis, taken on the basis of the desire of the analyst and of its effects on the analysand. It is both, a matter of a symptomatic appeasement obtained in the analysis – that is the side of applied psychoanalysis, and of an infernal repetition that turns around the inexpressible object, which one gets close to only when not calculating – that is the side of pure psychoanalysis.

New texts will be published twice a week on Monday and on Thursday. The first publication is on Monday the 10th January.

In order to permit the presented texts to feature clinical vignettes - which seems to us unavoidable for a rich and interesting debate – certain texts are protected by a pass word. To get this password please write to blog@amp-nls.org and state the name and email address of the chair of your local group.

For the Executive Committee

Dominique Holvoet

Starting Blog User Guide


pass word for protected texts: to get this password please write to blog@amp-nls.org stating the name and email address of the chair of your local group.

commentary: type a comment into the field beneath each article, giving your name and email. Publication of the comments is moderated.

to propose a text: write to blog@amp-nls.org

Nouvelle École Lacanienne de Psychanalyse — New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis
www.amp-nls.org http://www.amp-nls.org

Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse – World Association of Psychoanalysis
www.wapol.org http://www.wapol.org

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