8 de maio de 2011

PULSE- the Paris USA Lacan Seminar‏

The London Society
of the New Lacanian School
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Thursday September 29, 2011 - 19:00

Conference by Eric Laurent at Barnard College, NY.

« Psychoanalysis and our time »

The Paris USA Lacan Seminar in New York

Friday September 30 - 9:30 to 18:00

Saturday October 1 - 9:30 to 18:00

Sunday October 2 - 10:00 to 13:30


"Nobody interprets psychoanalysis today according to the canons that prevailed previously" (J-A. Miller, course of 26 March 2008)

JACQUES LACAN DIED IN SEPTEMBER 1981. In commemoration, a three-day Seminar will take place from September 30th to October 2, 2011 at Barnard College, in New York City. It will be the first PARIS-USA LACAN SEMINAR to be held in the USA.

The Seminar will focus on theoretical appraisal of Lacanian concepts and also on their ethical and practical bearings on issues that are crucial for our civilization, such as the decline of the Father, changes in the modern family, shifts in femininity, subjectivity beyond the Oedipus complex, LGBT issues, the relationship between Psychoanalysis and Science, (neuroscience in particular), and more.

- Psychoanalysis and Norms: beyond the Oedipus complex

- Psychoanalysis and Sexuation: no sexual relation

- The Subject and its partners: the hypermodern family

- Psychoanalysis and Science: the Real is lawless

This Seminar will be hosted and sponsored by Barnard College, and presented under the auspices of the WAP - World Association of Psychoanalysis - and Paris VIII University.It is placed under the direction of Jacques-Alain Miller.Information about registration, call for papers and venue will come soon.

Committee: Prof. Marie-Hélène Brousse (Université Paris 8), Prof. Pierre-Gilles Gueguen (Université Paris 8), Prof. Maire Jaanus (Barnard College), Prof. Ellie Ragland (University of Missouri), Josefina Ayerza (editor of Lacanian Ink), Dr. Eric Laurent.

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