2 de setembro de 2011

The'Return to Work' Will be Lacanian

Messager 61 - 2011/2012

La Rentrée Sera Lacanienne

The 'Return to Work' Will be Lacanian

Tuesday 6 September at 9.00pm
until 11.00pm
At Hotel Pullman, Paris Montparnasse
19, rue du commandant rene mouchotte - 75014 paris
métro gare montparnasse or gaité

The 'Return to Work' Will be Lacanian
Round table discussion and public debate
On the occasion of the publication of several books and journals, namely:
jacques lacan edited by Jam
le séminaire XIX …ou pire (Seminar XIX …Or Worse)
je parle aux murs (I am Talking to a Brick Wall)
jacques-alain miller vie de lacan (I-VIII) (Life of Lacan I - VIII)
le diable probablement pourquoi lacan (Why Lacan)
la cause freudienne lacan au miroir des sorcières (Lacan in the witches' mirror)
lacan quotidien en ligne (LQ online)

Thirty Years after Lacan's Death
What kind of politics and strategy for the Psy-Planet?
Round Table Discussion by the Ecole de la cause freudienne
Moderated by Martin Quenehen, producer at france culture
With the Participation of
Jacques-Alain Miller

Tschann bookshop will provide the sale of all the books that feature in the Lacanian Return to Work, in the lobby. Entrance fee : 10€ at the door; half price for students under 26 and job seekers
For more information : http://www.causefreudienne.net/

Recent NLS-Messager, English: http://www.amp-nls.org/en/template.php?sec=actualites&file=actualites/nls_messager.html

Récents NLS-Messager, français: http://www.amp-nls.org/fr/template.php?sec=actualites&file=actualites/nls_messager.html

Nouvelle École Lacanienne de Psychanalyse — New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis
www.amp-nls.org http://www.amp-nls.org

Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse – World Association of Psychoanalysis
www.wapol.org http://www.wapol.org

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