19 de outubro de 2011

NYFLAG 2011-2012 Program

NYFLAG - 2011-2012

For 2011- 2012 the NYFLAG is happy to announce an exciting NEW program composed of three parts:

Reading Seminar: The Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis.
We will resume our reading of Jacques Lacan Seminar XV The Psychoanalytic Act, Chapter 5
This reading will also serve as preparation for our next Clinical Study Days 6 "The Psychoanalytic Act in the 21st Century" to be hel in New York, Winter 2012
Next meeting :
Chapter 5
Wednesday October 19 at 8 pm
Barnard college, room # 407

Clinical Seminar: From Freud Clinical Cases' to Lacan teachings.
We will continue (last year we worked on President Schreber's and Psychosis) with
The Wolf Man, from Freud to Lacan and Miller.
A careful reading of Freud's famous case, further elaborated by Lacan and guided by Miller's comments will allow the participants to extract valuable clinical concepts to better understand the psychoanalytic experience and the direction of the treatment. We will aim to confront these clinical and theoretical concepts to today's practice.
Bibliography will be announced shortly.
Next meeting :
Wednesday October 26 at 8 pm
Barnard college, room # 407

Culture and Psychoanalysis
It is an ongoing series of presentations devoted to contemporary culture from a Lacanian perspective. Presenters are encouraged to include examples of their topic, for instance video clips, images, texts, etc., and create a relevant bibliography in advance. We define culture broadly to include, for example, Occupy Wall Street, The Dominique Strauss Kahn scandal, and The Tea Party movement. In addition, we would like to invite artists, writers, and musicians to present their work for consideration from a Lacanian perspective. Our hope is to promote the seminars widely and encourage presenters to transcribe their work for possible publication. This Seminar will be conducted by Robert Buck and Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff with the coordination of Maria Cristina Aguirre.
Frequency every 5-6 weeks
Following the Savage Beauty Seminar of August 2011, Robert Buck and Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff propose for our next seminar David Lynch’s 2006 film “Inland Empire”.
Date and time to be announced shortly.

All are welcome!

Maria Cristina Aguirre, PhD
Coordinator of the NYFLAG

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