9 de novembro de 2011

211- 2011/2012 NLS Congress Preparatory Seminar - London Society, with Jean-Louis Gault

Messager 211 - 2011/2012

NLS Congress Preparatory Seminar - London Society, with Jean-Louis Gault

8 novembre 2011
8 November 2011
The London Society
of the New Lacanian School


Preparatory Seminar: Towards the 10th Congress of the NLS

‘Reading a Symptom’

Saturday 19th November at 2:30pm

Guest Speaker:

Jean-Louis Gault, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Nantes, member of the ECF and of the NLS.

“The Symptom Between Speaking and Writing”

1. The analytical treatment is a speaking experience. The symptom which the patient complains about, takes the way of speaking in the analytical experience. On that basis Freud conceptualized the symptom as a message. Lacan gave the formula of it with his concept of the symptom as a metaphor.

2. The symptom is not only words. It implies always the body. For this reason it is writing (see Ecrits 280).

3. The practice of analytical interpretation depends on this double affiliation of the symptom, to speaking and writing.


Ecrits on the symptom

Lectures in the USA

Discussant: Roger Litten

Chair of the London Society

Ł15/Ł10 Concessions


University of London Student Union

Bloomsbury Suite

Second Floor
Malet Street, London W1


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