17 de novembro de 2011

Liberazione Rafah

Breaking news at 21h50 CET:

We have just received confirmation of the release of Rafah Nached.

Thank you very much for your support !

Lacan Quotidien - Comité de direction
www.lacanquotidien.fr <http://www.lacanquotidien.fr/>

2011/10/26 Segreteria <segreteriaoperativa@scuolalacaniana.it>
Dear Sirs,

During our last Forum of SLP (October 22, 2011), we proceeded to collect signatures for the petition of Rafah (file in attached).

I kindly need to know how we can do to put these signatures online.

Remaining at your full disposal for any further clarification you may needs on the matter,

Best Regards,
Alessandra Tavazzani
Secretary of SLP Milan

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