8 de dezembro de 2011

Hurry up! / 11 -English-


Dear Colleagues: The organization of the VIIIth Congress of the WAP has been underway for a while now and step by step you have been receiving news of the enthusiastic work being undertaken to make these days in our city an unforgettable experience.

We are aware that the encounter is an epistemic, clinical and political one, but we would also like to take the opportunity â•„ as with our colleagues recently in Brazil during the recent ENAPOL Encounter - to invite all those who work in the field of the plastic arts to share their work in the framework of this Congress

To this end we have obtained a beautiful and ample space in one of the neighbourhoods of this city most rich in history and tradition, which also happens to be located a short distance from the Hilton Hotel where the Congress will take place. A renovated villa which provides space in its rooms for a collection of works of the most distinguished Argentinian artists will be the most propitious context in which to house the artists of the WAP.

Art in the 21st Century is no longer what it was. With respect to its range and proposals there are as many polemics as there are affiliations or refusals. It suffices to visit the spaces dedicated to contemporary art or to glance at the cultural supplements of any newspaper to become aware of this.

Lacan maintained, as did Freud in his way, that the artist is always in advance of the psychoanalyst and that we have to allow ourselves to be taught by them.

This will be a propitious occasion to question in act the status of art in the 21st Century and perhaps to find an adjective that qualifies it in the way that the Buenos Aires poet of song Enrique Santos Discepolo did with the 20th Century. If that was a ╢junk-shop, problematic and febrileâ•˙ then how are we going to name the 21st Century?

The theme of the Congress, ╢The Symbolic Order in the 21st Centuryâ•˙, confronts us with the inescapable of our practice - the new forms of cultural discontent, the new modalities of jouissance that derive from this Symbolic organisation and which the artists of our times reproduce, attenuate or amplify.

By means of light, colour, texture, certain ideas, intuitions or desires take shape, occupy a space, materialise and capture the gaze, proposing a personal take on the world.

Each one of the participants in this exhibition will be able to transmit to us something of their singular way of making art in the 21st Century. This is why we are inviting all our colleagues from the WAP to send in their work in any of the following formats: painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, photography,collage and textile.

Anyone interested can get in touch with those responsable for the organisation of the Exhibition of Plastic Arts: Rosa Basz and Elsa Maluenda via the following email address: espacioarteamp2012@gmail.com

We extend to you in advance an affectionate and cordial welcome

Parque Lezama, San Telmo, Bs. As.

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