18 de fevereiro de 2013

The Psychoanalytical Notebooks 26 is out

Liste de diffusion de l'EuroFédération de Psychanalyse

The latest issue of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks is out
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Psychoanalytical Notebooks 26, 2013
published by the London Society of the New Lacanian School
Éric Laurent – Ordinary psychosis, 
Marie-Hélène Brousse - Ordinary psychosis in the light of lacan's theory of discourse
Jacques-Alain Miller – Ordinary psychosis revisited 
Jean-Pierre Deffieux – Not so rare a case
Hervé Castenet – A subject in the fog
Jacques-Alain Miller and Others - The conversation of Arcachon (extracts) 
Jean-François Cottes – 'Je suis foyante'
Thierry Vigneron – The use of fiction and lifestyle
Éric Laurent – Psychoanalytic treatments of the psychoses
Alfredo Zenoni – Orienting oneself in transference
Francesca Biagi-Chai – Jouissance, nomination, semblant
Catherine Meut – Work on the disaster
Christine Wertheim - Poem 


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