22nd March
Bouleversés par les actes de terrorisme qui
continuent de frapper de façon imprévisible et meurtrière dans des lieux
publics, nous exprimons à notre cher président, ainsi qu’à tous nos collègues
belges, notre très vive émotion et notre profond soutien en ce jour si
Toute notre communauté psychanalytique entoure ce
soir nos amis belges et les accompagne dans leur deuil
22nd March
Deeply moved by the acts of terrorism that
continue to strike in an unpredictable and deadly fashion in public spaces, we
express to our dear president, as well as all our Belgian colleagues, our very
intense emotion and our profound support on this dramatic day.
All our psychoanalytic community stands
with our Belgian friends and we accompany them in their national mourning.
Lilia Mahjoub, for the Executive Committee of the NLS
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