18 de setembro de 2008

[Lacanian-Orientation-US] NYFLAG: Meetings

from Maria Cristina Aguirre:

Dear all,

We will begin our Fall activities on September 17, 2008

We had pending from our last meeting that was cancelled in June of this year the last session on object a. We will comment several chapters of Seminar XX Encore, On Feminine Sexuality, the limits of Love and Knowledge, 1972-73: Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11.
Miller, J.A.., Paradigms of Jouissance in Lacanian Ink # 17, New York 2000 pp 8-47
The London Society of the NLS, Seminar 2004-2005 Love and Knowledge

I will also make a short introduction to the topic for this semester:

Seminar "The Concept of the Semblant in Lacan's Teaching".
What is the semblant in psychoanalysis? Why did Lacan introduce this concept? What are its clinical applications? We will work with Lacan's Seminar XVIII "D'un discours qui ne serait pas du semblant" and also texts form Jacques-Alain Miller from his 1991-1992 Seminar: On the Nature of the Semblants.
Bi-weekly: Wednesdays at 8:30 pm
Barnard College, Room 403
Broadway and 117th St.

Admission is free but you are requested to register with Maria Cristina Aguirre

Clinical Seminar:
The Lacanian Interpretation in Clinical Cases
We will review clinical cases from the psychoanalytic literature and also from clinicians participating in the Seminar to elucidate, clarify and differentiate what we call the Lacanian Interpretation. Is there specificity or are all interpretations the same?
Bi-weekly: Wednesdays at 8:30 pm
Barnard College, Room 403
Broadway and 117th St.
Begining September 24, 2008

Admission is free but you are requested to register with Maria Cristina Aguirre

Save the Date!

XV International Seminar of the Freudian Field: "The Clinic of Happiness"
with Alexandre Stevens, Psychoanalyst
Today civilization demands and forces the subject to be happy by any means. We will examine the consequences of this demand.
Fordham University, NYC
October 24 & 25 2008

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