15 de janeiro de 2010

[nel-debates] Paris-USA Lacan Seminar: Announcement and Call for Papers






This Seminar will be presented in English, twice a year—one session in Paris, one in New York.

The first session will take place in:

MAY 1 & 2, 2010

In order to capture and expand the spirit of the recent Journées of the Ecole de la Cause freudienne—a turning point for the Freudian Field—the topic will be based on a personal experience of psychoanalysis. The chosen title is thus:

Your first Session . . .

Entering Analysis


Previous events:

The PARIS-USA Lacan Seminar follows on a series of seminars held in English in Paris since1989.

Previous seminars have included the following:
1st Lacan Seminar in English: Paris, June, 1989: ‘Reading Seminar 1 and 2’
2nd Lacan Seminar in English: Paris, July, 1990: ‘Reading Seminar 11’
Paris English Seminar 1: Paris, July, 2008: ‘Ordinary Psychosis’
Paris English Seminar 2: Paris, May, 2009: ‘When the Cure Stops . . .’

Theme of the 2010 Seminar:

For Freud, two moments were essential in a psychoanalysis: the beginning and the end. Last year, in PES2, we examined endings—their variety and their seriation. This year's Seminar will be dedicated to beginnings: What it means to meet an analyst; What surprises the first session brings; How and when the analysand-to-be becomes an analysand; What prejudices have to be overcome; What convinces someone who suffers from his/her symptom to go beyond the quest for aid and healing and plunge into what could be the most worthy human adventure of our century: a psychoanalysis . . .

The papers will be written in the first person.

Keynote Speakers:

Jacques-Alain Miller
Eric Laurent



Jacques-Alain Miller, Psychoanalyst

Josefina Ayerza, Psychoanalyst, Editor of Lacanian Ink
Marie Hélène Brousse, Psychoanalyst, Member of the Ecole de la Cause freudienne, Professor at University of Paris—8
Pierre-Gilles Gueguen, Psychoanalyst, Member of the Ecole de la Cause freudienne, President of the New Lacanian School, Professor at University of Paris—8

Maire Jaanus, Professor at Barnard University
Eric Laurent, Psychoanalyst, President of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP)
Ellie Ragland, Psychoanalyst, Professor at University of Missouri, Editor of Re-Turn

Secretary and website: Thomas Svolos
Registration: Natalie Wulfing
Site coordinator: Victoria Woolard
Communication: Veronique Voruz
Translation and Data Recording: Adrian Price
Treasurer: Alan Rowan


31, rue de Navarin

75009, Paris, France

Registration fee:
100 US $ or 90 €

Contact information:
Florencia Shanahan
Tel: +353 86 06 73 185

e-mail: florenciashanahan@gmail.com

4B Seafield park




Call for papers:

Papers should be submitted before April Ist and sent by e-mail both to: pggueguen@orange.fr and brousserichard@wanadoo.fr under the subject: PULSE.

No paper should exceed 15 minutes in length (2000 words or 10,000 characters). Each one of them should be written in the first person and present a narrative of the first encounter with a psychoanalyst or of the first moment at which analysis "really began." It might be also about the circumstances of a second or third analysis or as well relate a sequence of several sessions decisive for entering analysis.


Université populaire Jacques Lacan

Declaration of the founding by Jacques-Alain Miller

Created Sunday 8 November 2009 in Paris

There is a time for thinking – meditating, calculating, figuring out, dithering – and there is a time for acting, pushing ahead, moving into the register of the act, which always entails passing through the gate to non-knowledge in great haste.

Some time ago now I opened up to discussion the idea of creating a powerful teaching hub in Paris, bringing together under the same umbrella, without putting into question their functional autonomy, the teachings of the School, those of the Department of Psychoanalysis, the two Clinical Sections, the Freudian College for continuing training, the Envers de Paris, the groups of the Freudian Field, and more. I went so far as to bring up the idea of a European University, and this idea was supported by UFORCA, and warmly welcomed in Spain and Italy.

What was lacking was what Stendhal calls ‘crystallization’. These Study Days are the moment for this. There are over 2000 of you here: an unprecedented turnout. Above all, never mind the doom-mongers promising us the ‘Kermesse’ because we’re no longer putting on that long funereal face traditional among psychoanalysts in any institutional setting, we’ve never been working better, more seriously or more agreeably.

A political line is emerging; I shall present it as it reveals itself to me, like a prophet who would simply be a logician; at the moment this line enjoys the assent of the greater part. Well, the time has come to conclude with regard to the university issue, so as to forge ahead with other plans.

I’m saying Université populaire because the term is a well-known one, it’s common currency, and it indicates very well that we’ll be taking to heart that ‘Freudian education of the French people’ I was earnestly calling for back at the start of the decade – or maybe it is to be extended to all peoples, as the example of Mitra Kadivar in the Islamic Republic of Iran encourages us. The religions have succeeded very well in orienting humanity towards divinities of doubtful utility, and whose existence is subject to controversy. Why shrink back from the notion of an analysing humanity? It’s not for tomorrow, I grant you – but the day after? And then, the world!

I’m calling it ‘Jacques Lacan’ because I shall see to it that it is worthy of this name.

It will be a non-profit making association; we shall strive to have it recognised as being of public benefit.

It will provide a base for the Parisian hub I spoke of, to which the principal UFORCA establishments shall be added, along with the best from abroad, like the ICBA (the Buenos Aires Clinical Institute) or the Franco-Bulgarian Seminar distinguished by Judith Miller. I can see this University providing a base for a Lacan institute, dedicated to Lacanian studies. I can see it aiding the teaching establishments of the Freudian Field to reconfigure and perfect themselves, on the basis of voluntary service, and, as I said, with respect for managerial autonomy. Reducing to a minimum the number of establishments under direct management. The Université populaire will have to be furnished with a department of publications, into which the Journal des Journées, LNA-Le Nouvel Âne and Ornicar? will be integrated, along with its own website and blog.

I’m laying down the act. I don’t have any more details to communicate. They will be discussed afterwards, in the win-win spirit of these Study Days. I am constructing this Université populaire under a clear blue sky, under the tyranny of transparency, with those who wish to collaborate, in particular in the Journal and on Twitter.

New Lacanian School (NLS): www.amp-nls.org <http://www.amp-nls.org>

A bilingual English-French School for Psychoanalysis of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, with Members throughout the World, the NLS was founded in 2003. It is one of the Schools of the FEEP network and encompasses 5 Societies, three affiliated groups and four associated groups. In the USA the NLS is represented by a group gathered around an internet Journal: The Lacanian Compass. In the Eastern European Countries activities are developed thanks to a Secretary Body for Eastern Europe. Links to these groups and societies can be found on the NLS Website. The NLS publishes a Journal in English: Hurly-Burly, and holds an annual congress. This year its Congress will take place in Geneva (Switzerland) under the Title: "Daughter, Mother, Woman in the 21st Century" (26 & 27 June 2010).

Department of Psychoanalysis, University of Paris—8

The vocation of the department of psychoanalysis is to transmit and increase knowledge resulting from the analytic experience or connected fields.

Indeed, Freudian knowledge cannot be reduced to a closed doctrine, definitively constituted. Founded on an experience that repeats itself with each cure in its singularity, this knowledge must be the object of a transmission rather than an initiation. But this transmission does not have value unless it allows us to shed light on and to promote clinical studies, which is to say to encounter a real that is avoided by other bodies of knowledge (psychology, philosophy, psychiatry).

This real, which each speaking being has to deal with, was met by Freud in his cures, when the subject bumped up against the rock of castration. But he also encountered and grasped it by bits in the field that we call culture. This is why this field, for the little that we explore it following the paths that he cleared, forms part of the Freudian field, and authorizes, and even requires, a clinical approach.

This does not mean that we must pathologize literature, painting or history. Research in psychoanalysis is not applied psychoanalysis. It does not aim at, as many have believed and undertaken, the imperialistic annexing of outside disciplines or domains. Moreover, nothing, either in fact or by law, which is produced by a speaking being, is foreign to knowledge that has its origin in listening. On the contrary, there is a connection. The department of psychoanalysis strives to elucidate these connections, to show how in domains apparently different, the chains of the logic of the signifier knot and unknot.

The department of Psychoanalysis is organized in three domains:

--the fundamental teachings, given on the premises of the University of Saint-Denis, which are open to all students, including a large public of auditors.

--the in-depth studies, where two national diplomas are prepared: the Masters of Psychoanalysis and the Doctor of Psychoanalysis.

--The Clinical Study section of Paris-Saint-Denis, organized in the framework of permanent training at the university and which contributes to the training of psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists and all “mental health” professionals.

Foreign Students:

Ms. Dominique Miller provides for the reception of foreign students at the department of psychoanalysis. She is also in charge of problems related to equivalent diplomas.

The foreign students follow the body of planned teaching, for which it is in general necessary to live in France. Students must understand, speak and write French. All the teaching is, effectively, given and all the dissertations are written in French. The department does not provide language teaching.

Contact e-mail: Yvette.colomer@univ-paris8.fr <mailto:Yvette.colomer@univ-paris8.fr>

Federation of the European Schools of Psychoanalysis (FESP)
A Federation of the European Schools of Psychoanalysis (FESP) was created during the AMP Congress in Buenos Aires 2008. This federation includes, as members, all those from the AMP European Schools. The FESP can also rely on the support of the École de la Cause freudienne, the first School to have been adopted by Dr. Jacques Lacan following the dissolution of the EFP. The ECF agreed to be associated with FESP where it will make up one of the central poles in its construction.

In these present times, this transformation is essential because it creates an establishment which is more unified and effective, at a European level, to fight against the ideology of assessment and its legislative initiatives and to fight certain health policies implemented in mental health in the member states of the European Union.

Thus, the FESP constitutes a European Observatory that vigilantly monitors the legislative developments in the various EU countries, so as to be able to find them appropriate solutions. In this way, the policy of the FESP will aim at debating as well as opposing throughout all Europe, the cognitive advances of a “politics of civilisation,” through the bureaucracies of the State; short-sighted policies that are both authoritarian and utopian, which have placed their hopes in evidence-based assessment and in the reign of number.

For this reason, FESP relies on its official journal Mental, together with various publications of the School.

FESP paves a new way in expanding our orientation in a European context, seeking new forms of collaborative work between our colleagues of different countries and languages. It’s a matter of finding a way in being able to sustain our current strength and creative capacity, as a Federation, in light of the challenges that the future has installed for us. We must know that what’s expected of us is that we maintain an active role in elaborating innovative solutions which are opposed to the uncertainties generated by irresponsible policies which have penetrated into the subjectivity of the citizens of our countries. A coordinated and responsible response from our Schools is necessary. With FESP, we enter a new stage of reconquest of the Freudian Field in Europe.

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