10 de dezembro de 2012

Reminder | 'The facets of jealousy' - Study Day of The London Society of the New Lacanian School - Saturday 15th December‏‏

The London Society
of the New Lacanian School

London Society Study Day
The facets of jealousy
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Morning Session
 10.30 – 1.00
Workshop co-facilitated by Laure Naveau and Vincent Dachy
Bogdan Wolf: The Intricacies of the Gaze: On Love, Jealousy, Envy and Shame
Véronique Voruz: 'Reading Catherine M. on Jealousy'
Laure Naveau: The other man of his life
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Afternoon Session
14.30 – 17.00
Guest Speaker: Pierre Naveau
Psychoanalyst in Paris and member of the ECF and the NLS
'Jealousy and the hidden gaze'
Betty Bertrand-Godfrey
Jealousy as a name of the Father?
Heather Chamberlain
How do we work with a jealous patient?
Chair: Roger Litten

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There will be ample time dedicated to discussion and the following readings are suggested:
Sigmund Freud
Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia and Homosexuality (1922)
Jacques Lacan
Family complexes in the Formation of the Individual (1938)
Seminar XX (1998)
Catherine Millet
Jour de souffrance (no English translation available)
Marcel Proust
Swann in love
The Captive
William Shakespeare
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University of London Student Union
Bloomsbury Suite

Second Floor

Malet Street, London W1
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£15/£10 Concessions


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