31 de outubro de 2011
[EBP-Veredas] Scilicet em português está pronto!
Ele será entregue pelo correio a todos os membros da EBP que se inscreveram no congresso. Sua leitura é valiosa e fundamental para nos prepararmos para o VIII Congresso da AMP.
O Scilicet se encontra também à venda para as demais pessoas que irão ao congresso e as que se interessam pelotema.
Cordialmente,Cristina Drummond
Grama ediciones en otros países
BRASIL > Librería Scriptum (31) 3223.1789/3223.7226, scriptum@scriptum.com.br , Rua Fernandes Tourinho, 99, Savassi, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais CHILE > Santiago de Chile Librería del CEIP Contactarse con Carolina Vignoli al tel 84331965 o al mail carolinavignoli@hotmail.com COLOMBIA > Sede de la NEL-Bogotá Carrera 11B número 99-54 Oficina 602, Bogotá, - Tel 6113511 Dirección: Calle 49 B #64B-112 (201-203) Edificio El Rectangulo (sector Suramericana) Medellín-Colombia Tel: 583.27.89 Web: www.nel-medellin.org e-mail: nelmedellin@gmail.com ECUADOR > Librería Rayuela Germán Alemán E12-62 y Juan Ramírez (a la vuelta del Megamaxi de la Av. 6 de Diciembre) - Quito Teléfonos: (593 2) 2273787 - 2465153 - 2463917 - 099031540 libros@rayuela.ec - www.rayuela.ec ESPAÑA > PARA COMPRAR POR INTERNET EN EUROPA http://www.canoalibros.com/ > Librería Rayuela Tf: 952 21 96 97 - rayuela@libreriarayuela.com - www.libreriarayuela.com > Librería Xoroi Carrer de Berlinès, 20. 08022 Barcelona - Tel.: (34) 932116921 - xoroi@xoroi.com - http://www.xoroi.com/ > Librería Paradox C/Santa Teresa, 2 (28004) Madrid - Tel.: (34) 91 700 40 42 - Fax : (34) 91 319 59 26 paradox@paradox.es - http://www.paradox.es/ GUATEMALA > NEL-Guatemala Calle A 18-27 zona 15 VH2. San Diego, Interior La Hondonada. Guatemala C.A 01015 Teléfono: 23657008 MÉXICO > NEL-México Comunicarse con info@nel-mexico.org y news@nel-mexico.org Web: www.nel-mexico.org VENEZUELA > NEL-Maracai Av. 19 de Abril, Torre Cosmopolitan, piso 12, oficina 122. Maracay, Estado Aragua. Venezuela. Tel. 0243-8891140. - nel.maracay@gmail.com URUGUAY > De la Mancha Libros de Mauricio Martínez Tristán Narvaja 1620 Bis, Monteivideo, Uruguay |
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ICLO-NLS: Clinical Conversation with Pierre Naveau
“The Relation of Symptom to Fantasy"
Pierre Naveau is a psychoanalyst in Paris. He is an analyst member (AME) of the School of the Freudian Cause (ECF), the New Lacanian School (NLS) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). He is Senior Lecturer (Maître de conférences) at the University of Paris 8 and at the Clinical Section of the department of psychoanalysis of the University of Paris 8.
Clinical presentations in the afternoon by Lorna Kernan and Florencia F.C Shananahan
Registration in advance is required: info@iclo-nls.org
STOP DSM : Interview de François Leguil
Association des Psychologues Freudiens <http://www.psychologuesfreudiens.org/spip.php?auteur5>
Stella Harrison, vice-présidente de l'association des Psychologues Freudiens a rencontré François Leguil, psychiatre, psychanalyste
et l'a interrogé à propos du manifeste et du colloque "STOP DSM".
Nous transcrivons ici cet échange.
Un groupe de psychiatres, de psychanalystes, de soignants organise
Journée d'études clinique, épistémologique, politique
Initiative pour une Clinique du Sujet
pour en finir avec le carcan du DSM
SAMEDI 5 NOVEMBRE 2011 9H30 - 17H30
⃝ ▪ CHRONIQUE ▪ POSITIONS par Agnès Aflalo Ce que Femme Veut… ▪ LIBÉREZ RAFAH ! ▪ ELLES, & ILS LE VEULENT ▪ ALLONS-Y ! ▪ L'AIR DU TEMPS par Jean-Pierre Deffieux Brigitte Jaques a rencontré Suréna & L'EXPOSITION●MATHÉMATIQUES, UN DÉPAYSEMENT SOUDAIN● par Rose-Paule Vinciguerra ▪ COURRIER ▪
▪ LacanQuotidien.fr <http://LacanQuotidien.fr>.
30 de outubro de 2011
Pipol News: Des Nomes- du- Père
Teodora Pavlova
195 - 2011/2012 Oxford Public Lecture, Lacan on Science and Religion, R.Litten
Oxford Public Lecture, Lacan on Science and Religion, R.Litten
Recent NLS-Messager, English: http://www.amp-nls.
Récents NLS-Messager, français: http://www.amp-nls.
Nouvelle École Lacanienne de Psychanalyse — New Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis
www.amp-nls.org http://www.
Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse – World Association of Psychoanalysis
www.wapol.org http://www.
LACAN QUOTIDIEN N°70 à cette adresse complète / is online at the following address:
INSTANTANÉS par Dominique Miller
Londres se Protège
Les deux Voies de la Parole
▪ LacanQuotidien.fr ▪
20 Jornadas Anuales de la EOL / Requisitos presen tación de trabajos
SLP Corriere: Attività Segreteria di Bologna 9 novembre
Scuola lacaniana di Psicoanalisi
Segreteria di Bologna
9 Novembre 2011
ore 17.30 Tavola rotonda
Paola Francesconi psicoanalista SLP, AMP, presidente Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi
Alessandro Russo prof. di Sociologia Generale, Università degli Studi di Bologna
Valerio Romitelli prof. di Storia delle Dottrine politiche, Università degli Studi di Bologna
Alide Tassinari psicoanalista e segretario SLP di Bologna
ore 18.30
Antonio di Ciaccia psicoanalista SLP, AMP,
curatore dell'edizione italiana
Maurizio Mazzotti, psicoanalista SLP, AMP
Il seminario Libro XX Ancora di Jacques Lacan
...parlare d'amore è già un godimento. L'amore infatti
viene a supplire – e può arrivarvi a supplire egregiamente-
al fatto che qualcosa nell'inconscio fa si che anche quando
l'uomo e la donna fanno l'amore ognuno resta dalla sua parte
Quartiere San Vitale, Sala Silentium,
Vicolo Bolognetti, 2 Bologna
29 de outubro de 2011
Iniziativa segreteria di Torino
Presentazione del libro Ma che vuole l'Italia. I paradossi della colpa: potere, donne, corruzione, a cura di Rosa Elena Manzetti, edizioni Borla.
Libreria Janus, piazza Europa 24, Cuneo, il 4 novembre alle 18.00.
Saranno presenti Gian Francesco Arzente, Paola Bolgiani, Sergio Caretto, Rosa Elena Manzetti.
Discutono: Stefano Avedano, Carmen Cassutti, Maura Musso, Maria Laura Tkach
Resolución del Parlamento Europeo, de 27 de octubre de 2011, sobre el caso de Rafah Nached en Siria
Resolución del Parlamento Europeo, de 27 de octubre de 2011, sobre el caso de Rafah Nached en Siria
1. Condena enérgicamente la detención y el encarcelamiento arbitrarios de Rafah Nached por las autoridades sirias;
2. Manifiesta su honda preocupación por la situación de la Sra. Nached, habida cuenta de su precario estado de salud;
3. Pide a las autoridades sirias liberen inmediata e incondicionalmente a la Sra. Nached por razones médicas y humanitarias y que garanticen su seguridad física y su regreso con su familia sin más demora;
4. Pide a las autoridades sirias que autoricen a las organizaciones humanitarias y doctores el tratamiento de las víctimas de la violencia, les den acceso a todo el territorio nacional y les permitan desempeñar su labor legítima y pacífica sin miedo a represalias y sin ninguna restricción, incluido el acoso judicial; pide a las autoridades sirias que acaten las normas internacionales en materia de derechos humanos y los compromisos internacionales, garantizando la libertad de opinión y de expresión;
5. Encarga a su Presidente que transmita la presente Resolución al Consejo, a la Comisión, a la Vicepresidenta de la Comisión / Alta Representante de la Unión para Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad, a los Gobiernos y Parlamentos de los Estados miembros, al Secretario General de la Liga Árabe y al Gobierno y al Parlamento de la República Árabe Siria.
ver texto completo en blog:
PLÉNITUDE DE LUMIÈRE par Philippe De Georges
Damas, au petit matin
À REBOURS par Deborah Gutermann-Jacques
À Voix Nue, La Semaine DerniÈre
NOUVELLES D’AZIMUT par Catherine Lazarus-Matet
À la Fondation Cartier : une Conversation avec l’Univers
▪ LacanQuotidien.fr ▪
SLP Corriere: novità editoriale
Presentazione del libro Ma che vuole l'Italia. I paradossi della colpa: potere, donne, corruzione, a cura di Rosa Elena Manzetti, edizioni Borla. Saranno presenti Gian Francesco Arzente, Paola Bolgiani, Sergio Caretto, Rosa Elena Manzetti. Discutono: Stefano Avedano, Carmen Cassutti, Maura Musso, Maria Laura Tkach
Workshop-End(s) of analyis
SATURDAY DECEMBER 17th 14.30 -17.00
In our third workshop on the ends of analysis in the teaching of Lacan, we
will focus on the structure and place of the symptom at the end of
analysis. This year's seminar will take place with a participation of our
eminent guest Laure Naveau, who will speak about her experience of the
pass, and Richard Klein and Bogdan Wolf. It is Laure Naveau's and mine
wish, and we therefore encourage those interested in taking part in the
event, that we make ourselves familiar especially with the accounts of the
pass testimony by Laure Naveau already published as listed below. This
will allow us to impassion the day of work with an inquisitive
conversation consisting of contributions, comments and questions from all
L. Naveau, Médusée, trans. V. Woollard, in Hurly-Burly No 4, October, 2010,
L. Naveau, The Modesty of Hystory, trans. F. Coates-Ruet, in PN 21, March, 2010,
L. Naveau, The Gentle Voice and the Empty Casket, trans. H. Chamberlain, in PN 15, 2006,
J.-A. Miller, Seminar of Barcelona on the Symptom, trans. R. Barros, in PN 1, 1998,
J.-A Miller, Pass Bis, trans. A. Price, in PN 17, March 2008,
E. Solano, The Identification with the Symptom at the End of Analysis, trans. B. MacDonald, in PN 7, 2001.
£15/£10 Concessions
University of London Student Union
Bloomsbury Suite
Second Floor
Malet Street, London W1
28 de outubro de 2011
[EOL Postal] Nunca Más!
Lacan Quotidien 71
BALTIMORE, 5 HEURES DU MATIN par Pierre Gilles Gueguen
Superman Et Les Sous-Hommes
UN MANCAMENTO RADIALE par Antonio Di Ciaccia
« Mancamento Radiale »
27 de outubro de 2011
190 - 2011/2012 Lacanian Compass Study Day 6: Call for Papers
Lacanian Compass Study Day 6: Call for Papers
Clinical Study Days
The Scientific Committee of the CSD6 is issuing this Call for Papers for the meeting. We are soliciting two types of papers.
The first is clinical case presentations, where the theme of the Study Days “The Psychoanalytic Act in the 21st Century” should be addressed. Papers should be both at most 20 minutes long when read aloud and at most 15,000 characters with spaces in length.
The second is papers that address this theme from a cultural or societal perspective, or treat the theme from a theoretical perspective. They will be part a round table. Papers in this category should be both at most 10 minutes long when read aloud and at most 7,500 characters with spaces in length.
Please send your texts to the CSD6 Scientific Committee at mcrisaguirre@yahoo.com
Papers should be submitted not later than December 31, 2011.
We appreciate your interest and collaboration on the Clinical Study Days, and we are looking forward to receiving your papers and to seeing you in New York City.
Scientific Committee
Maria Cristina Aguirre
Juan Felipe Arango
Alicia Arenas
Recent NLS-Messager, English: http://www.amp-nls.
Récents NLS-Messager, français: http://www.amp-nls.
Treinta mil desaparecidos (Conclusión pronunciada en el Fórum des Femmes por Graciela Brodsk y)
NLS Messager 182: Towards Tel Aviv 5
10th NLS Congress 16-17 June 2012
24 October 2011
Towards Tel Aviv 5 – Invitation to the 10th NLS-Congress ‘Reading a Symptom’.
The 10th NLS-Congress takes place on the 16 and 17 June 2012 in Tel Aviv.
We are delighted to announce Eric Laurent’s participation from this moment onwards.
Website registrations will open very soon. The poster and leaflet, designed by our Israeli colleagues has been printed.
Information on registration will be circulated on NLS-Messager ‘Towards Tel Aviv’ and on the NLS website www.amp-nls.org
The presentation by J.-A. Miller, ‘Reading a Symptom’ constitutes our point of departure. This fascinating text, precise and rich at the same time, offers numerous ways of access and allows for true research. It was published in French and English, it can be found on the website, and it will soon be available in many other translations there.
The annotated bibliography is a useful tool for working; it will be developed in the course of the months ahead.
The preparatory work began before the summer in Tel Aviv and after the summer it started sharply in all the groups of the NLS. From this moment onwards we will circulate on NLS-Messager ‘Towards Tel Aviv’ and on the website, reflections on many of the activities. We will henceforth differentiate different rubrics of which some are new, and which you will discover soon:
- Practical Information
- Bibliography in progress
- Texts
- ‘Reflexions’
Others could be added in the course of the year.
The touring NLS ‘Knottings’ Seminar, the preparatory seminars, the afternoons or weekends of work in different groups, the conferences, cartels, etc.: the NLS proves to be a beehive once again. Let us hope that the honey it will bring at the end of this year of work is up to its initial promise
We are looking forward to a large participation in the preparatory work and we hope to see you in great numbers at the Congress in Tel Aviv.
Enjoy the work.
Anne Lysy
NLS President
Moción del Parlamento Europeo del caso Rafah Nached
Jueves 27 de octubre entre las 16h y las 17h.
AMP Uqbar: Prossimo 4 novembre Conferenza ad Atene
organisent une conférence sur le thème :