Lacanian Psychoanalysis Newsletter
The teachings of Jacques Lacan: theory and clinical practice
Updated February 1st, 2009
The teachings of Jacques Lacan: theory and clinical practice
Updated February 1st, 2009
Papers published up to February 1st, 2009
Bekerman, Jorge - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Three aunts. Free access.
Etinger, Diana - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- An objector to the phallus. Free access.
García, Germán - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Psychoanalytic figures in transference. Free access.
Musachi, Graciela - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- The hole in the pot. Free access.
Serra Frediani, Marta - Barcelona, Spain.
- Some observations on case presentations. Free access.
Papers to be published
Bacco, Beatriz - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- "The woman, logically, is always more long-suffering".
Bekerman, Jorge - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- On kleptomania and mother's desire.
Chorne, Diana - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- On constructions in psychoanalysis.
Deutsch, Lidia - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Adolf Eichmann and due obedience.
Gerez Ambertín, Marta - Tucumán, Argentina.
- Negative therapeutic reaction.
Glaze, Alejandra - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Adolescent epiphanies.
Karothy, Rolando H. - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Ethics and perversion.
Kennedy, Bernard Peter - Dublin, Ireland.
- The Freudian understanding of hysteria and its representation in Alfred Hitchcock's films 'Rebecca' and 'Rope'.
Mauas, Héctor - Buenos Aires, Argentina and Mauas, Marco - Jerusalem, Israel.
- Borges, Wilde, style: why "anxiety" is not "Angst".
- You are what you seek: On Jorge Luis Borges's "The Unending Rose".
Ortiz Zavalla, Graciela - Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Uses of oblivion.
Piñeiro, Claudia - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Desire to kill.
Stoppel de Gueller, Adela - São Paulo, Brazil.
- The necessity of the accident: Lacan and the question of trauma.
Tillet, Susana - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- The symptom: from Freud to Lacan.
Lacanian Psychoanalysis Newsletter
Editor-in-Chief: Jorge Bekerman
Bekerman, Jorge - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Three aunts. Free access.
Etinger, Diana - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- An objector to the phallus. Free access.
García, Germán - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Psychoanalytic figures in transference. Free access.
Musachi, Graciela - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- The hole in the pot. Free access.
Serra Frediani, Marta - Barcelona, Spain.
- Some observations on case presentations. Free access.
Papers to be published
Bacco, Beatriz - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- "The woman, logically, is always more long-suffering".
Bekerman, Jorge - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- On kleptomania and mother's desire.
Chorne, Diana - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- On constructions in psychoanalysis.
Deutsch, Lidia - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Adolf Eichmann and due obedience.
Gerez Ambertín, Marta - Tucumán, Argentina.
- Negative therapeutic reaction.
Glaze, Alejandra - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Adolescent epiphanies.
Karothy, Rolando H. - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Ethics and perversion.
Kennedy, Bernard Peter - Dublin, Ireland.
- The Freudian understanding of hysteria and its representation in Alfred Hitchcock's films 'Rebecca' and 'Rope'.
Mauas, Héctor - Buenos Aires, Argentina and Mauas, Marco - Jerusalem, Israel.
- Borges, Wilde, style: why "anxiety" is not "Angst".
- You are what you seek: On Jorge Luis Borges's "The Unending Rose".
Ortiz Zavalla, Graciela - Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Uses of oblivion.
Piñeiro, Claudia - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Desire to kill.
Stoppel de Gueller, Adela - São Paulo, Brazil.
- The necessity of the accident: Lacan and the question of trauma.
Tillet, Susana - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- The symptom: from Freud to Lacan.
Lacanian Psychoanalysis Newsletter
Editor-in-Chief: Jorge Bekerman
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