The Executive Committee of the NLS is pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of the "Bulletin of the NLS", carried out under the responsibility of its Editor, Anne Lysy. This Bulletin is bilingual, in English and French. You will find below a presentation by Anne Lysy of issue N° 1 of the Bulletin, with its synopsis. This publication will be followed by issue
N° 2 at the end of the year 2007.
The secretariat
This is the first issue of the bilingual Bulletin of the NLS, whose creation was announced one year ago during the General Assembly in Tel Aviv. The Bulletin is an internal organ of our School, intended for all the members of the NLS and the groups that compose it. It is to be used as an instrument of liaison between the groups, permitting us to become better acquainted and to diffuse the work realized in our different regions, which are sometimes separated by great distances. It will appear twice a year. Its editorial staff is the Executive Committee of the NLS.
One might ask: why add another publication? Haven’t we already enough electronic lists that diffuse information and brief contributions? Certainly, but digital publications are instantaneous, sporadic. A paper edition materializes the traces of the work in progress in another way. It also permits us to unite in one volume a collection of contributions coming from members of each group, and gives form to our work community. The Bulletin, to which each of us is invited to contribute, is not however carved in stone! It should be the reflection of the present state of the work done in the NLS, and locally in the different groups. It is not be substituted either to the local publications that already exist, or to Mental.
Whatever this Bulletin should be and whatever it does not wish to be, here it is then, as it is. We shall see what it will become, according to the use its readers make of it, to the needs of the moment, and to the contributions that are addressed to it.
This issue presents our orientation with a text chosen by the Editorial Committee: the lecture given by Patrick Monribot at Sofia in 2006, which explains clearly and precisely what a psychoanalysis is. This text seemed particularly pertinent to us in order to set the tone, to emphasize our desire to contribute through our School to the transmission of psychoanalysis, in our time and in our countries.
A good part of the issue is devoted to the preparation of our Athens Congress. The theme “Births of Transference” moreover constitutes this year the axis of the work accomplished in a number of seminars or cartels of the Societies and groups. The seminar of the NLS, invented by Gil Caroz and appropriately named “knottings”, is inducing a whirlwind movement within the Societies; we find here some of its products. The electronic intercartel, another form of exchange to prepare the Congress, has already been functioning for 3 years. You can read here some selected papers of the most recent intercartel. To these brief clinical contributions, have been added other short texts sent to us by members, which testify to the presence of applied psychoanalysis in our countries.
Finally, this issue gives an appropriate place to an event that particularly concerns the impact of Lacan’s teachings on our English speaking readers: the very recent publication of the Seminar XVII, The Other Side of Psychoanalysis, translated into English by our colleague Russell Grigg. We thank Jacques-Alain Miller for permitting us to republish and translate the lecture he gave in Bordeaux on the occasion of the publication of the Seminar in French, in 1992. This text will guide and accompany the reader who discovers or rereads The Other Side today.
One originality of the Bulletin is that it is entirely bilingual, in French and English, the two languages of the NLS. I would like to emphasize on the occasion of this first issue the importance of the work of translation, which often passes in the shadows: its function is essential to the existence of this publication, but also to the exchange of texts and information within the Schools of the WAP and more generally, to the propagation of psychoanalysis itself. It requires a good deal of the time and skill of those colleagues who accept to contribute to it. I wish to thank Thelma Sowley, who brought all her talent and enthusiasm to the realization of this issue, as well as my English-speaking colleagues who responded to my call and accepted on short notice to contribute to the task, or who have proposed their participation for the issues to come. I also thank Philippe Carpentier and Michèle Rivoire, who have assured for this issue the major part of the translations into French.
And finally, I express this wish to all our readers: that the Bulletin be a tool, that it be used for their work, alone or in their cartels or seminars and that it incite the desire, as much in the “younger” as in the more experienced members, to bring their own contribution to it.
Anne Lysy-Stevens
Anne Lysy-Stevens
Patrick Monribot - What is a Psychoanalysis ?
Towards the Congress in Athens : « Births of transference »
Gil Caroz – Knowledge and Presence in Psychoanalytic Transference
Lieve Billiet – Transference at the Time of Freud and Today
René Rasmussen – The Four Discourses and Transference
Epaminondas Theodoridis – A Case of Erotomania under Transference
Nassia Linardou - Transference as a Subjective Experience
Intercartel of the NLS :
- Marina Frangiadaki – A Short Treatment
- Daniel Roy – Efficacy of the Algorithm of Transference
- Evgeni Genchev – A Case of Falling in Love
- Pierre-Gilles Guéguen – Transference Love and Its Vanishing
- Claudia Iddan – “I Deserve Nothing” or the Pot Full of Holes
- Dominique Holvoet – Transference Love in a Case of Melancholia
Applications of Psychoanalysis
Despina Andropoulou – When the Unsayable Affects the Body
Daphna Amit Selbst – « A Woman’s Brain is an Enigma » (Almodovar)
Event : Jacques Lacan’s Seminar XVII in Its English Translation
- Russell Grigg – The Translation of L’envers de la psychanalyse
- Jacques-Alain Miller – Psychoanalysis Stripped Bare by its Bachelor
Annoucements and Agenda
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