Volume 3 and 4 of
(Re)-Turn: A Journal of Lacanian Studies
is released.
Further information on the journal (including subscription instruction) is available on their website: http://return.jls.missouri.edu/Lacan/
Edited by Ellie Ragland and Evelyn Moore in consultation with Jacques-Alain Miller, (Re)-turn: A Journal of Lacanian Studies explores the theories of French psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, within the context of a variety of fields, including clinical psychoanalysis, philosophy, critical studies, theatre, politics, music, visual arts, mass media, communications, religion, and literature.
The name of the journal—(Re)-turn: Journal of Lacanian Studies—signifies a number of things, Lacan’s return to Freud, the transformations in Lacan’s own work, as well as the return to the first American Lacanian journal, Newsletter of the Freudian Field (1987-1994). For Lacan, return has been a particularly important term, a psychoanalytic concept based on the premise that every juncture, every point of understanding or knowledge, is not only present in conscious life, but is represented precisely as a return where the conscious intersects with the unconscious. This is the place around which Lacanian studies must revolve.
Table of Contents
Volume 3: The Gaze: Fantasy and the Desire of the Other
Jacques Alain Miller: Chapter II – Fantasy and the Desire of the Other
Evelyn K. Moore: The Deadly Gaze: Penthesilea and Achilles in Love
Mary Jane Cowles: The Gaze: The Fold in Balzakc's Lys dans la Vallee
Clifford T, Manlove: On the "Split" between the Eye and the Gaze in Literature
Volume 4: The Topology of the Gaze
Ellie Ragland: The Topological Dimension of Lacanian Optics
Gerard Wajcman: On Painting
Jeanne Lafont: The inherent twisting of the Gaze
Efrat Biberman: Of the Gaze as topological Locus
Jennifer Friedlander: Affecting Art: Barthes, Kertesz, and Lacan
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