18 de abril de 2013

Miami Symposium : flash!!! [English]

Miami Symposium : flash

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In Buenos Aires:
  Our colleagues from Argentina get ready 
for the Miami Symposium…
 Review By Catery Tato
Facing an enthusiastic and numerous audience, this evening’s coordinator, Fabian Naspartek, edits the provoking title of the Symposium “What Lacan Knew About Women,” by adding “What he knew.. or didn’t know… about women…”  This presentation is part of the systematic work we develop with colleagues in the United States.”

This way, it is announced that the Symposium, which is open to everyone, will have the presence of colleagues from the different Schools of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. Jacques Alain Miller’s presence at the conference proves its significance, and the interest of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) in this event. Four papers were presented on the evening of Wednesday, April 10th at the Escuela de la Orientación Lacaniana in Buenos Aires (School of Lacanian Orientation).
Mariela Yern, in her paper titled “FEMENEIDAD” (Femininity) takes us through the path treaded by “ponderous men” who based their work on Freud’s research, down into the findings of men in the present who from a position of “romantic Ideal love for the pornography of jouissance,” ask how a woman enjoys herself. Different answers are found in the process known as “the attempt to deal with the sexual reality.” This stems from the Freudian thesis about feminine sexuality and its counterpoint with the Lacanian voice, who says that women do speak but they don’t say it all, situating “a feminine jouissance that is not all.” 
Next followed Daniela Fernandez’s paper “THE FUTURE EVE.” In Lacan’s literary references, Fernandez has found a quote in which he acknowledges Maurice Merleau-Ponty for his development on the subject and problematic of femininity. “The eye made so as not to see” , “the feminine figure of the novel Future Eve” by Auguste Villiers de L’Isle-Adam and “the artist” which Lacan situates in contrast to Eve who sees it all point out to the vertexes that converge in the different ways of attempting to seize  the essence of the feminine, while cropping out the “extraction of the object a”. Fernandez states, “If we reflect on Lacan’s quote, we can ask ourselves what methods Villiers, the artist, uses to leave us at the mercy of the access to the impossible to unveil that makes up the object a.” 
The third paper, from Debora Nitzcaner “ WHY TALK TO A WOMAN?,” unfolds and explores three questions about the feminine in the clinical field and concludes with two testimonies by male school analysts (SA) . What do analysts say about feminine jouissance? What does a woman want? What does a woman know? These were the three scansions presented. The first one discusses a dialogue in the film “Talk to her,” to situate the Fundamental Fantasy in a woman. The second scansion deals with a quote by Lacan, which says, “no one bears being not-all” which demonstrates “the tie of a woman in her way of addressing the phallus.”It then concludes, surrounding the “impossible-to-be-said,” in the silence of the feminine jouissance as presented in Luís Tudanca and Gustavo Stiglitz’s testimonies . This development points to a counterpoint between the scientific discussion of The Future Eve and how male analysts allow themselves to get caught in the feminine. 
Nicolás Bousoño follows along with the clinical approach by asking : “How do women approach today’s  psychoanalysis?...As they always have: always differently.” The title of his text “VORACITY” takes us into “modern epidemics” as well as “to the voracity Freud denotes in the Superego, which is structural.” His quote takes us to the construction of the sinthome as the “discontent” in civilization. He discusses this discontent within the frame of the case of a 30-year-old woman who requires treatment due to her obesity, after rejecting the possibility of undergoing bariatric surgery. Obesity has marked her life and this clinical vignette shows the point at which “voracity” has marked her jouissance as she establishes this signifier when talking about the Edipic plot, focusing on the question about femininity as “this way of capitalist functioning which pressures the Superegotic jouissance…”
 The contrasting points in these presentations include: A hypermodern way of the woman’s jouissance; a woman that sees it all; a woman who eats it all; the invitation to talk; what is not possible to say; speaking of the not-all. These counterpoints take us through the path of what psychoanalysis can teach, what is known about women and what Lacan knew about them. This pathway leads us to the Symposium to which we are invited.

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