The London Society of the New Lacanian School
Seminar of the London Society of the NLS
10th January 2009
The LS Seminar on Lacanian Interpretation will take place on Saturday, 10th January in ULU, Malet St. at 2pm - 5pm in room 2A on the 2nd floor.
Seminar of the London Society of the NLS
10th January 2009
The LS Seminar on Lacanian Interpretation will take place on Saturday, 10th January in ULU, Malet St. at 2pm - 5pm in room 2A on the 2nd floor.
Admission at the door is £15 / £10 (cons), booking is not necessary
Speakers and Titles are:
Veronique Voruz - “Interpretation and Social Bond”
Heather Chamberlain - “The Power of Love ”
Speakers and Titles are:
Veronique Voruz - “Interpretation and Social Bond”
Heather Chamberlain - “The Power of Love ”
The Knottings Seminar
will take place in February
It is open to all
KNOTTINGS 2008-2009
Lacanian interpretation
The “Knottings” seminar, a seminar of the Executive Committe of the NLS, continues this year. It will bring together colleagues from six different Societies or Groups to prepare the VIIth Congress, which will take place in Paris on 9th and 10th May 2009. The argument and bibliography to be used as common reference are diffused by NLS-Messenger and can be found on the NLS website:
In each place, three papers will be presented and discussed : a theoretical introduction by a member of the EC or a representative, two clinical pieces, one by a member of the local group and the other by a guest from another group. The papers should not be too long (20 minutes), so that a real discussion can take place. Each seminar is led by the president of the local group or a representative. A « reporter», appointed by the local group, will write an account of the seminar, to be circulated by the EC of the NLS.
For the Executive Committee of the NLS,
Anne Lysy-Stevens,
Lacanian Interpretation: How come I suffer the way I do?
There is a question of this kind at the beginning of an analysis. How do we hear such a question? How do we interpret such a request? Can we, should we answer it? Perhaps, the psychoanalyst is an expert after all and has got all the answers!? Ready-made answers for average individuals? Well, if the psychoanalyst knows something it must be that there is an incommensurability between the average normality and the singularity of a so-called individual. So, the psychoanalyst does not resort to a Big Book where all the answers are already written but will invite the analysand to open his/her own book! And they’ll start reading. It’s called interpreting. But what could interpreting be if it is not telling someone what something means? That is precisely what the NLS Seminar will tackle next year. We have to face the fact that interpretation in psychoanalysis is not the same as what it is in philosophy, religion or therapy. To face that fact and to account for it! During seven seminars we will address fundamental aspects of the practice of Lacanian analysis, which make it different from any other talking cure. What do we listen to? Who knows what’s important? Who decides what means something, and what something means? What is the authority in psychoanalysis? What do we hope for, expect from meaning? Is there something beyond or after meaning - if anything at all? This is nothing short of questioning the causality by which Lacanian psychoanalysis abides.
Société Hellénique de la NLS
Date : 17 January 2009
Place : Athens (Greece)
Introduction : Joost Demuynck (EC)
Clinical Cases : René Raggenbass (ASREEP) and Nafsika Nikolaou (HS)
President : Réginald Blanchet
Reporter : Anna Pigou
London Society of the NLS
Date : 7 February 2009
Place: London (UK)
Introduction: Gil Caroz (EC)
Clinical Cases: Agnieszka Kurek (Warsaw Circle) and Richard Klein (LS)
President : Véronique Voruz
Reporter : Philip Dravers
Date : 28 February 2009
Place : Krakov (Poland)
Introduction : Lieve Billiet (EC)
Clinical Cases : Vincent Dachy (London Society) and Danuta Heinrich (Warsaw Circle)
President : Alina Heinzel
Reporter : Malgorzata Lawniczek
Kring voor Psychoanalyse van de NLS
Date: 7 March 2009
Place: Bruges (Belgium)
Introduction: Roger Litten (EC)
Clinical Cases : Annette Feld (GIEP) and Erik Mertens (Kring)
President : Luc Vander Vennet
Reporter : Peter Decuyper
London Society of the NLS
- 14-Mar
Natalie Wulfing: “Post interpretation”
Adrian Price: “On Lacan's Remarks on Interpretation and Chinese Poetry in Seminar XXIV”
- 25-Apr
Julia Evans: “Interpretation and the Knowledge of the Analyst”
Rik Loose: TBC
- 30-May
Richard Klein: TBC
Vincent Dachy: "Allusion, Actualisation and Off-cuts."
Natalie Wulfing: “Post interpretation”
Adrian Price: “On Lacan's Remarks on Interpretation and Chinese Poetry in Seminar XXIV”
- 25-Apr
Julia Evans: “Interpretation and the Knowledge of the Analyst”
Rik Loose: TBC
- 30-May
Richard Klein: TBC
Vincent Dachy: "Allusion, Actualisation and Off-cuts."
Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse
www.wapol.org <http://www.wapol.org/> <http://www.wapol.org/>
The London Society of the New Lacanian School
Nouvelle École de Psychanalyse — New Lacanian School
www.amp-nls.org <http://www.amp-nls.org/> <http://www.amp-nls.org/>
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