XIII Seminar of the Freudian Field
New York – October 26 and 27, 2007
New York Freud Lacan Analytic Group
NYFLAG Is pleased to invite you to the XIII International Seminar of the Freudian Field
on the Teachings of Jacques Lacan
Uses of Transference in the Analytic Experience
October 26 and 27, 2007
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY113 W. 60TH St. between Columbus and Amsterdam NEW YORK CITY
Dr. Jean-Pierre Klotz is a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who practices in Bordeaux and Paris. He is a Member of the Counsel of the Ecole de la Cause Freudienne (E.C.F.). He is Analyst Member of the School (A.M.E.) of the Ecole de la Cause Freudienne; of the Escuela de Orientacion Lacaniana (E.O.L); and of the New Lacanian School (N.L.S.). He is Professor of Clinical Training in Paris and Bordeaux.
FRIDAY October 26, 2007 AT 8 PM
About Transference: Singularities in the World of Globalization
In his teaching of psychoanalysis Lacan was known to have illuminated and addressed the importance of the structure of language of the Freudian Unconscious. The presence of transference in psychoanalysis makes it possible to approach the Unconscious. Through the process of psychoanalysis and the presence of the psychoanalyst, the “one who is supposed to know”, the analysand speaks and thereby approaches the “impossible to say” which Lacan calls the “Real”. This process of psychoanalysis leads to the clarification and/or distinctiveness of the subject (the analysand). In the age of universalization and globalization there is much at stake for each individual (subject). For Lacan transference was one of the four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis. Dr. Klotz will discuss the value of understanding how to address and manage the transference from a Lacanian orientation.
SATURDAY October 27, 2007
SEMINAR: Uses of Transference in the Analytic ExperiencePresented by Jean Pierre Klotz, M.D.
Transference first appears as an obstacle in the course of free association. Transference manifests as a silence in the middle of the speech, full of passion, but also full of the presence of the analyst. According to Lacan the common ways of interpreting the transference through addressing repetition are unwise. The better way is to link love and knowledge. This is a link between the “subject who is supposed to know” (the analyst) and the part of the jouissance reflecting the emptiness of the subject (the analysand). In this process with the analyst the transference has the potential to expose some of the unconscious content of the symptom. One may say that the “Real” could be reflected through the symptom in the relationship with the analyst.
Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse
www.wapol.org <http://www.wapol.org/>
Nouvelle École de Psychanalyse — New Lacanian School
www.amp-nls.org <http://www.amp-nls.org/>
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