5 de agosto de 2010



Invites to the Lecture


Guest Speaker: Marco Focchi
, Psychoanalyst

August 11, 2010, 8 pm
New York City

Is Sexuality something natural that develops spontaneously and that grows in the human being with the growth of his body? Lacan doesn’t think so. Sexuality, for the human being is indissolubly linked to language, and the encounter with sexuality is therefore always traumatic. Where are we, after the results of sexual revolution? Shall we still say, with our free way of living sexuality, that it is always the cause of neurosis?

Lacan has a radical point of view: there is no sexual relation. This goes beyond an empirical perspective on sexuality, and implies that encounters between men and women need a semblance, a masquerade. And what happens after the shedding of semblance? That’s the point we will try to answer to.

Marco Focchi
is a Psychoanalyst who practices in Milan. He is a member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) with the title of AME, and he is past-president of the Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi (SLP). He is now Director of the Instituto Freudiano di Psicoanalisis, where he teaches a course on Epistemology of Psychoanalysis.

He has published various books and articles on international journals. Some titles: La lingua indiscreta
, Franco Angeli, Milano 1985; L’oggeto immemore, Franco angeli, Milano 1988; La condusione della cura psicanalitica (in collaborazione, Franco Angeli, Milano 1989; Dovunque altrove, (in collaborazione) Guerini e associate, Milano 1990; L’identita vuota, studio sulle patologie trasversali, Guerini e associate, Milano 1991; Evento e ripetizione, Teda Editore, Castrovillari 1995; Il buon uso dell’inconscio, Editori Riuniti, Roma 2000; Il cambiamento in psicoanalisis, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2001; La mancanza e l’eccesso, Antigone edizioni, Torino 2007.

His last book was published in June 2010 titled: Il trucco per guarire
(The trick on how to heal) Antigone edizioni, Torino.

Barnard College
Broadway at 117th St.
Room 403
New York City

Free entrance
The Lecture will be in English

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