Paris, le 11 juin 2017
Les Ecoles du Champ freudien sont depuis longtemps ce que Lacan désirait qu’elles fussent, des refuges contre le malaise dans la civilisation. Depuis que les instances responsables de l’Ecole de la Cause freudienne, emmenées par sa présidente, Christiane Alberti, et celles d’Uforca, sur ma demande, ont adopté d’enthousiasme ma proposition de prendre position publique 1) contre Marine Le Pen et son parti, 2) pour la démocratie et l’Etat de droit, et que la grand majorité des membres s’est lancée avec fougue dans une campagne nationale de Forums républicains et anti-Le Pen, on voit mieux comment l’ECF flanquée de ses satellites, Uforca, ACF et CPCT, pourra devenir ce que, au moment de créer son Ecole, Lacan appelait avec une énergie qui témoignait à mes yeux du meilleur de l’esprit guerrier de la nation française, « une base d’opération » visant à la fois à reconquérir le Champ freudien sur l’IPA et à triompher des impasses de civilisation menaçant l’existence même de la psychanalyse.
L’attention portée depuis le 1er mars de cette année au combat politique en France ne m’a pas fait oublier pour autant qu’aujourd’hui, par l’effort continué de plusieurs générations d’analystes, il n’y a pas une Ecole mais sept : l’ECF, l’EOL, l’EBP, l’ELP, la SLP, la NLS et, dernière née, la NEL.
Une fois Macron élu le 7 mai — et sitôt réduite une révolte locale et subalterne venue de l’EOL qui jouait de fait le même rôle que la fronde des notables en 1967, à savoir entraver le mouvement en avant — j’ai pensé qu’il convenait de transférer à l’échelle mondiale les leçons de l’expérience française. Aussi bien ai-je créé le 14 mai dernier « la movida Zadig », ZERO ABJECTION DEMOCRATIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP.
Ce dimanche 11 juin, au lendemain de la Conversation organisée à l’EOL par son Conseil sous la direction éclairée de son président, Gustavo Stiglitz, je peux annoncer que le Champ freudien dans son ensemble est désormais rallié à Zadig.
Le réseau politique lacanien mondial ne se confondra pas avec l’AMP ni avec ses Ecoles, il en constitue plutôt une extension au niveau de l’opinion. A ce titre, il bénéficiera partout de l’appui de nos institutions et fera partie du Champ freudien au sens élargi du terme. Quant aux procédés de Zadig et aux causes qu’il défendra à l’échelle nationale et au niveau transnational, tout est à inventer. Notre initiative concernant la crise vénézuélienne et la pétition Pasolini sont un commencement. Dans le cadre fixé par mes premières décisions, champ libre aux initiatives !
C’est donc : « Champ freudien, année zéro ». Tout recommence, sans être détruit, pour être porté à un niveau supérieur. Par un effet d’après-coup, je saisis maintenant pourquoi j’avais interrompu mon cours en 2011.
C’était la conséquence de la baisse de mon transfert au Champ freudien, induite par le sentiment d’échec qui m’habitait depuis que j’avais dû constater que l’ensemble des membres de l’ECF s’étaient ralliés au projet Freda qui se proposait de remplacer le modèle d’Ecole promu par Lacan par celui d’une association de psychothérapeutes occupée à chasser les subventions et obéissant aux impulsions d’une association, l’association Aurore, connue pour relayer avec son argent les instructions du ministère de la Santé. Ce projet de liquidation était sur le point d’être réalisé quand seul je me mis en travers.
De plus, le Champ freudien semblait avoir atteint en 2011 son nec plus ultra. Je me voyais moi-même prisonnier du monde que j’avais créé, ce Champ freudien régi par les algorithmes dont je l’avais muni, et fonctionnant sans moi, comme je l’avais désiré. Il ne me restait plus qu’à mouliner mon cours jusqu’à la mort. La malédiction du « pratico-inerte » (Sartre) était sur moi. L’arrêt de mon cours sempiternel m’apparaît aujourd’hui comme un effort désespéré pour échapper à la pétrification et renouer avec le réel de la vie.
La page est tournée. Jam 2 reprendra le cours de Jam 1 sous une forme renouvelée. Mon idée est d’engrener désormais sur mon travail celui de divers collectifs du Champ freudien qui se porteront volontaires.
Il est d’ores et déjà acquis que cela se fera en Italie sous la forme de ce « Séminaire de politique lacanienne » que je codirigerai à Turin avec Rosa-Elena Manzetti le 8 juillet prochain, puis à Rome, Bologne et Milan, avec Di Ciaccia, le couple Francesconi et Mazzotti, et Focchi. Ce sera le « Séminaire Point de capiton » que j’ai décidé d’entamer dès le 24 juin prochain à Paris, et qui sera filmé pour être mis en ligne. Ce sera à Buenos-Aires le « Séminaire Clipol » (clinique et politique) que je propose à l’approbation des collègues argentins, et qui se tiendra en décembre prochain à l’occasion du voyage que je ferai à Buenos Aires pour y recevoir un doctorat universitaire honoris causa, à l’initiative d’Osvaldo Delgado que je remercie. Ailleurs dans le Champ freudien, tout est ouvert.
Je ferai le point durant la semaine qui s’ouvre sur les réseaux Zadig créés ou en formation dans le monde, sur le réseau dit « Canal du 1 », sur le programme des Séminaires de Paris et de Turin. Etc.
J’étais là avec mon amie Mireille Cardot — Lacan tiqua sur son nom quand je la lui présentai — quand Lacan lut en juin 64, devant moins de cent personnes réunies dans le salon de Sylvia au 3, rue de Lille, sa « Note adjointe » à l’Acte de fondation. Après avoir parlé du « comité d’accueil dit Cardo », il dit ceci, qui reste à mes yeux un enjeu majeur : « Le succès de l’Ecole se mesurera à la sortie de travaux qui seront recevables à leur place. »
C’est cela dont il s’agit avec ce Séminaire démultiplié : inscrire à jamais l’enseignement de Lacan dans le discours universel.
Campo Freudiano, Año cero,
por Jacques-Alain Miller
por Jacques-Alain Miller
Paris, le 11 juin 2017
¿El psicoanálisis terminará por rendir
las armas frente a los impasses crecientes de nuestra civilización, como
Lacan lo evocaba un día de depresión o de cólera mientras que los
notables de su Escuela, la Escuela freudiana de Paris, se rehusaban a
avalar su "Proposición del 9 de octubre de 1967 sobre el psicoanalista
de la Escuela"? Esto no está escrito.
Las Escuelas del Campo freudiano son desde hace mucho tiempo lo que Lacan deseaba que fueran, refugios contra el malestar en la civilización. Luego que las instancias responsables de la Escuela de la Causa freudiana, dirigida por su presidente, Christiana Alberti, y las de Uforca, a pedido mío, adoptaron con entusiasmo mi propuesta de tomar posición pública 1) contra Marine Le Pen y su partido, 2) por la democracia y el Estado de derecho, y que la gran mayoría de los miembros se lanzó enérgicamente en una campaña nacional de Foros republicanos y anti Le Pen, vemos mejor como la ECF flanqueada por sus satélites, Uforca, ACF y CPCT, podrá volverse lo que, en el momento de crear su Escuela, Lacan llamaba con una energía que daba testimonio en mi opinión del mejor espíritu guerrero de la nación francesa, "una base de operaciones" que apunte a la vez a reconquistar el Campo freudiano sobre la IPA y triunfar sobre los impasses que amenazan la existencia misma del psicoanálisis.
La atención que se le dio desde el 1ro de marzo de este año al combate político en Francia no me hizo olvidar sin embargo que hoy, por el esfuerzo continuado de varias generaciones de analistas, no solo hay una Escuela sino siete: la ECF, la EOL, la EBP, la ELP, la NLS y, la recién nacida, la NEL.
Una vez que Macron fue elegido el 7 de mayo -e inmediatamente reducida una revuelta local y subalterna que vino de la EOL, que, de hecho, hacía el mismo papel que la fronda de los notables en 1967, trabar el movimiento hacia adelante- pensé que convenía transferir a escala mundial las lecciones de la experiencia francesa. Por otra parte creé el 14 de mayo último "la movida Zadig", ZERO ABJECTION DEMOCRATIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP.
Este domingo 11 de junio, al día siguiente de la Conversación organizada en la EOL por su Consejo bajo la dirección esclarecida de su presidente, Gustavo Stiglitz, puedo anunciar que el Campo freudiano en su conjunto está de ahora en más unido a Zadig.
La red política lacaniana mundial no se confundirá con la AMP ni con sus Escuelas, constituye más bien una extensión al nivel de la opinión. En este sentido, se beneficiará en todas partes, del apoyo de nuestras instituciones y formará parte del Campo freudiano en el sentido ampliado del término. En cuanto a los procedimientos de Zadig y a las causas que defenderá a escala nacional y a nivel trasnacional, todo está por inventarse. Nuestra iniciativa en lo que concierne a la crisis venezolana y la petición Pasolini son un comienzo. En el marco fijado por mis primeras decisiones, ¡campo libre a las iniciativas!
Por lo tanto: "Campo Freudiano, año cero". Todo recomienza, sin ser destruido, para llevarlo a un nivel superior. Por un efecto retroactivo, capto ahora porqué interrumpí mi curso en 2011.
Era la consecuencia de la caída de mi transferencia con el Campo Freudiano, inducida por el sentimiento de fracaso que me habitaba desde que debí constatar que el conjunto de los miembros de la ECF, se había unido al proyecto Freda que se proponía remplazar el modelo de la Escuela promovido por Lacan por el de una asociación de psicoterapeutas ocupados en cazar subvenciones y obedeciendo a las iniciativas de una asociación, la asociación Aurora, conocida por remplazar con su dinero las instrucciones del ministerio de Salud. Ese proyecto de liquidación estaba a punto de realizarse cuando solo me puse en el medio.
Además, el Campo Freudiano parecía haber alcanzado en 2011 su nec plus ultra. Me veía a mí mismo prisionero del mundo que había creado, ese Campo Freudiano regido por los algoritmos con que lo proveí, y funcionando sin mí, como lo había deseado. No me quedaba sino seguir dando vuelta la manivela de mi curso hasta la muerte. La maldición del "practico inerte" (Sartre) estaba sobre mí. Detener mi curso sempiterno se me aparece hoy como un esfuerzo desesperado para escapar a la petrificación y volver a anudarse con lo real de la vida.
Se dio vuelta la página. Jam 2 retomará el curso de Jam 1 bajo una forma renovada. Mi idea es engranar de ahora en más a mi trabajo el de diversos colectivos del Campo Freudiano que se propondrán como voluntarios.
De aquí en adelante, está decidido que se hará en Italia bajo la forma de este "Seminario de política lacaniana" que co-dirigiré en Turín con Rosa-Elena Manzetti el 8 de julio próximo, luego en Roma, Bolonia y Milán, con Di Ciaccia, la pareja Francesconi y Mazzoti, y Focchi. Será el "Seminario Punto de capitón" que decidí comenzar a partir del 24 de junio próximo en París, y que será filmado para que sea puesto on line. Será en Buenos Aires el "Seminario Clipol" (clínica y política) que propongo a la aprobación de los colegas argentinos, y que se realizará en diciembre próximo en ocasión del viaje que haré a Buenos Aires para recibir allí un doctorado universitario honoris causa, por iniciativa de Osvaldo Delgado al que agradezco. En otra parte, en el Campo Freudiano, todo está abierto.
Lo aclararé durante la semana que empieza en las redes Zadig creadas o en formación en el mundo, en la red llamada "Canal del 1", en el programa de los Seminarios de París y de Turín, etc.
Estaba allí con mi amiga Mireille Cardot -Lacan hizo una mueca por su nombre cuando se la presenté- cuando Lacan leyó en junio del '64, delante de menos de cien personas reunidas en el salón de Sylvia en el 3 rue de Lille, su "Nota adjunta" al Acto de fundación. Luego de haber hablado del "comité de recepción llamado Cardo", dijo esto, que queda para mí como una apuesta mayor: "El éxito de la Escuela se medirá por la salida de los trabajos admisibles en su lugar".
De esto se trata con este Seminario desmultiplicado: inscribir para siempre la enseñanza de Lacan en el discurso universal.
Traducción. Silvia Baudini
Freudian Field, Year Zero
by Jacques-Alain Miller
Paris, 11th June 2017
Will psychoanalysis end up surrendering its arms in the face of the mounting impasses of our civilization, as Lacan exclaimed one day, out of disappointment or anger, when the notables of his school, the Freudian School of Paris, refused to endorse his "Proposition of the 9th of October 1967, on the Psychoanalyst of the School"? It is by no means a foregone conclusion.
The Schools of the Freudian Field have long been what Lacan wanted them to be, refuges against civilization’s discontents. Since the executive of the École de la Cause freudienne, led by its president, Christiane Alberti, and that of Uforca, have, at my request, enthusiastically adopted my proposal to take a public position 1) against Marine Le Pen and 2) for democracy and the rule of law, and now that the vast majority of members have embarked on a national campaign of republican and Anti-Le Pen Forums, it has become clearer how the ECF, flanked by its satellites, Uforca, the ACF and the CPCT, can become what, at the moment of creating his School, Lacan called, with an energy which, in my eyes testified to the best of the warrior spirit of the French nation, "a base of operations" with the aim both of reconquering the Freudian Field, by winning it back from the IPA, and of overcoming those impasses of civilization that pose a threat to the very existence of psychoanalysis.
The attention paid to the political struggle in France, since the 1st of March this year, has not made me lose sight of the fact that today, through the continuous effort of several generations of analysts, there is not one School, but seven: the ECF, the EOL, the EBP, the ELP, the SLP, the NLS and, most recently born, the NEL.
Once Macron was elected on the 7th of May – and as soon as a local and subaltern revolt from the EOL had been countered, a revolt which in fact played the same role as the revolt of notables of 1967, namely to hamper the forward movement – I thought that the lessons of the French experience should be resituated at a global level. Especially since, on the 14th of May, I created "la movida Zadig", ZERO ABJECTION DEMOCRATIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP.
As of this Sunday, the 11th of June, the day after the conversation organized at the EOL by its executive committee under the enlightened leadership of its president, Gustavo Stiglitz, I can announce that the entire Freudian Field has now rallied to Zadig.
The global Lacanian political network is not to be confused with the WAP, or its Schools, but is rather an extension of it at the level of public opinion. As such, it will benefit everywhere from the support of our institutions and will be part of the Freudian Field in the broader sense of the term. As for Zadig's way of operating and the causes it will defend nationally and transnationally, everything has to be invented. Our initiative concerning the Venezuelan crisis and the Pasolini petition are just a start. Within the framework set by my first decisions, the field is open to initiatives!
It is therefore: "Freudian field, year zero". Everything begins again, without being destroyed, to be carried to a higher level. Through a retroactive effect, I now understand why I stopped giving my Cours in 2011.
It was the consequence of the decline in my transference to the Freudian Field, a result of the feeling of failure that had gripped me since it dawned on me that all the members of the ECF had joined the project of Freda, who proposed replacing the School model put forward by Lacan with that of an association of psychotherapists engaged in chasing subsidies and obeying the impulses of an association, the association Aurore, known for mixing its money with the instructions of the Ministry of Health. This plan of liquidation was about to be realized when I alone stood in its way.
What’s more, the Freudian Field seemed to have reached its nec plus ultra in 2011. I saw myself as a prisoner of the world I had created, this Freudian Field governed by the algorithms I had provided, and functioning without me, as I had desired. All I had to do was to mill my Cours until my death. The curse of Sartre’s "pratico-inert” was upon me. Bringing my sempiternal Cours to an end appears to me today as a desperate effort to escape petrification and reconnect with the real of life.
The page has been turned. Jam 2 will resume Jam 1’s course in a new form. My idea is now to mesh my work with that of various collectives of the Freudian Field who are willing.
It is already established that this is what is going to happen in Italy in the form of this "Lacanian Political Seminar", which I will co-chair in Turin with Rosa-Elena Manzetti on July 8th, then in Rome, Bologna and Milan, with Di Ciaccia, the couple Francesconi and Mazzotti, and Focchi. In Paris, it will be the "The Quilting Point Seminar" which I have decided to start on the 24th of June, which will be filmed so it can be put online. In Buenos Aires it will be the "Seminar Clipol" (clinic and politics) which I propose for the approval of the Argentine colleagues, and which will be held next December during a trip I will make to Buenos Aires to receive an honorary doctorate, on the initiative of Osvaldo Delgado, whom I thank. Elsewhere in the Freudian Field, everything is open.
This coming week I will provide an update on the Zadig networks created or in formation around the world, the network known as "Channel of the One", the programme for the Paris and Turin Seminars, etc.
I was there with my friend Mireille Cardot – whose name caused Lacan to raise an eyebrow as I introduced him – when, Lacan read his "Adjoining Note to ‘The Foundation Act’”, in June 1964, before an audience of less than a hundred people gathered in Sylvia’s drawing room at 3, rue de Lille. After having spoken of the "admission committee, to be called Cardo",(1) he said this, which, in my view is still a major wager: "The École’s success will be measured by the appearance of works that are acceptable in their place.”(2)
This is what is at stake in this multipurpose Seminar: to inscribe forever the teaching of Lacan in the universal discourse.
The Schools of the Freudian Field have long been what Lacan wanted them to be, refuges against civilization’s discontents. Since the executive of the École de la Cause freudienne, led by its president, Christiane Alberti, and that of Uforca, have, at my request, enthusiastically adopted my proposal to take a public position 1) against Marine Le Pen and 2) for democracy and the rule of law, and now that the vast majority of members have embarked on a national campaign of republican and Anti-Le Pen Forums, it has become clearer how the ECF, flanked by its satellites, Uforca, the ACF and the CPCT, can become what, at the moment of creating his School, Lacan called, with an energy which, in my eyes testified to the best of the warrior spirit of the French nation, "a base of operations" with the aim both of reconquering the Freudian Field, by winning it back from the IPA, and of overcoming those impasses of civilization that pose a threat to the very existence of psychoanalysis.
The attention paid to the political struggle in France, since the 1st of March this year, has not made me lose sight of the fact that today, through the continuous effort of several generations of analysts, there is not one School, but seven: the ECF, the EOL, the EBP, the ELP, the SLP, the NLS and, most recently born, the NEL.
Once Macron was elected on the 7th of May – and as soon as a local and subaltern revolt from the EOL had been countered, a revolt which in fact played the same role as the revolt of notables of 1967, namely to hamper the forward movement – I thought that the lessons of the French experience should be resituated at a global level. Especially since, on the 14th of May, I created "la movida Zadig", ZERO ABJECTION DEMOCRATIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP.
As of this Sunday, the 11th of June, the day after the conversation organized at the EOL by its executive committee under the enlightened leadership of its president, Gustavo Stiglitz, I can announce that the entire Freudian Field has now rallied to Zadig.
The global Lacanian political network is not to be confused with the WAP, or its Schools, but is rather an extension of it at the level of public opinion. As such, it will benefit everywhere from the support of our institutions and will be part of the Freudian Field in the broader sense of the term. As for Zadig's way of operating and the causes it will defend nationally and transnationally, everything has to be invented. Our initiative concerning the Venezuelan crisis and the Pasolini petition are just a start. Within the framework set by my first decisions, the field is open to initiatives!
It is therefore: "Freudian field, year zero". Everything begins again, without being destroyed, to be carried to a higher level. Through a retroactive effect, I now understand why I stopped giving my Cours in 2011.
It was the consequence of the decline in my transference to the Freudian Field, a result of the feeling of failure that had gripped me since it dawned on me that all the members of the ECF had joined the project of Freda, who proposed replacing the School model put forward by Lacan with that of an association of psychotherapists engaged in chasing subsidies and obeying the impulses of an association, the association Aurore, known for mixing its money with the instructions of the Ministry of Health. This plan of liquidation was about to be realized when I alone stood in its way.
What’s more, the Freudian Field seemed to have reached its nec plus ultra in 2011. I saw myself as a prisoner of the world I had created, this Freudian Field governed by the algorithms I had provided, and functioning without me, as I had desired. All I had to do was to mill my Cours until my death. The curse of Sartre’s "pratico-inert” was upon me. Bringing my sempiternal Cours to an end appears to me today as a desperate effort to escape petrification and reconnect with the real of life.
The page has been turned. Jam 2 will resume Jam 1’s course in a new form. My idea is now to mesh my work with that of various collectives of the Freudian Field who are willing.
It is already established that this is what is going to happen in Italy in the form of this "Lacanian Political Seminar", which I will co-chair in Turin with Rosa-Elena Manzetti on July 8th, then in Rome, Bologna and Milan, with Di Ciaccia, the couple Francesconi and Mazzotti, and Focchi. In Paris, it will be the "The Quilting Point Seminar" which I have decided to start on the 24th of June, which will be filmed so it can be put online. In Buenos Aires it will be the "Seminar Clipol" (clinic and politics) which I propose for the approval of the Argentine colleagues, and which will be held next December during a trip I will make to Buenos Aires to receive an honorary doctorate, on the initiative of Osvaldo Delgado, whom I thank. Elsewhere in the Freudian Field, everything is open.
This coming week I will provide an update on the Zadig networks created or in formation around the world, the network known as "Channel of the One", the programme for the Paris and Turin Seminars, etc.
I was there with my friend Mireille Cardot – whose name caused Lacan to raise an eyebrow as I introduced him – when, Lacan read his "Adjoining Note to ‘The Foundation Act’”, in June 1964, before an audience of less than a hundred people gathered in Sylvia’s drawing room at 3, rue de Lille. After having spoken of the "admission committee, to be called Cardo",(1) he said this, which, in my view is still a major wager: "The École’s success will be measured by the appearance of works that are acceptable in their place.”(2)
This is what is at stake in this multipurpose Seminar: to inscribe forever the teaching of Lacan in the universal discourse.
Translated by Philip Dravers
Translator's Notes
1. Jacques Lacan, “The Founding Act”, Television, trans. Hollier et al, London & New York, Norton, 1990, p. 101
2. Ibid., p. 102
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