2 de agosto de 2012

ten lines news - SAVE THE DATE!

ten lines newsspecial issue
Thursday, August 2nd 2012from Wapol's lists
editor Ricardo Seldes 

Save the date!

Special Advisor: 
Eric Laurent
Scientific Committee:
Coordinators: Leonardo Gorostiza, Pierre-Gilles Guéguen.
With: Alicia Arenas, Elisa Alvarenga, Graciela Brodsky, Marie Hélène Brousse, Jean-Pierre Klotz, Flory Kruger, Pierre Naveau, Jesus Santiago, Ricardo Seldes, Mauricio Tarrab, Véronique Voruz.
Executive Committee:
Coordinator: Alicia Arenas
With: Juan Felipe Arango (local affairs), Karina Tenenbaum (registration and finance), Maria Cristina Aguirre, Thomas Svolos (promotion).

America Latina: Angelina Harari, Fabian Naparstek, Maria Hortensia Cardenas.
Europe: Florencia Fernandez Coria Shanahan, Lynn Gaillard.


What Lacan Knew About Women
May 31, June 1 & 2, 2013

A symposium of "Culture/Clinic"
a new journal published by 
University of Minnesota Press

At the Eden Roc Hotel in Miami Beach

English, Portuguese & Spanish


Lacan knew much about women. Did he know even more than we do now?  Did he know about women of the 21st century?
This Symposium, clinical and theoretical,  will provide us with the opportunity  —by taking our lead especially from Lacan's very late teaching — of  measuring  what his insights and anticipations have been for the understanding of feminine jouissance and sexuality today.

Several lines of inquiry will be developed concerning the feminine position of being:

How do women approach psychoanalysis in a time when the symbolic order is undergoing a major reconfiguration? In a time when the father figure is no longer what it was. A time when sexuality is everywhere and nowhere, when it has become a human right and quite often a duty to experience sexual fulfillment ? The concepts of family, motherhood, and the relations between the sexes have been deeply modified  by the remodeling of the social bond through a diversity of technical means and devices. How do women use the unconscious to find their way to femininity in a time when even the real has been touched?
Cases will be presented and discussed with the particular purpose of indicating what can be expected from psychoanalysis beyond the Oedipus. We will be  insisting on the singularity of each case, one by one, and the specific inventions made by women  in order to live the drive, each in her own manner, but within the coordinates of the feminine position.

From Antigone to Medea, from Claudel's Sygne de Coûfontaine to Marguerite Duras's Lol V. Stein, from the Queen in Edgar Poe's Purloined Letter to Hadewijch d'Anvers or Kierkegaard's Régine, Lacan often drew from litterature  in order to extract something from the mystery of the feminine position of being.  With the help of Lacan' s late teaching we will revisit these cases.

The World Association of Psychoanalysis has consistently advocated the Pass ( Lacan's invention to verify  the end of analysis and the passage to the desire of the analyst). And, as J-A Miller recently noted, the psychoanalytic profession will certainly be sustained by women in the 21st century. We will have an opportunity to learn from the research and the testimonies delivered by women members of the WAP who reached this point in their analysis.

Much of the interest in feminine sexuality and the essential part of  research in this field has been conducted in the United States in university departments on cultural studies, or gender studies. Lacan's work on feminity and jouissance has consistently been a part of the program of many of these research centers and they have contributed to maintaining the reading of his works alive in the USA. However, the social change and the extension of  feminist and LGBT movements have often contributed to a certain blurring of the boundaries between psychoanalysis as a practice and theories on sexuality issues as seen from the point of view of identifications and not from the perspective of jouissance.
Lacanian psychoanalysis shares with the liberation movements a rejection of any kind of segregation, and has always accompanied the activist movements in their advocation for greater freedom, including gay marriage and parenthood. However, gender studies and psychoanalysis do not have the same purpose. Firstly, because psychoanalysis operates on one by one basis starting from a belief in the unconscious and in the sinthome that takes place in lieu of  the absence of the sexual relation . Cases of feminine homosexuals in analysis or transgender persons could be brought into this section, as well as more theoretical papers written with the aim of specifying the difference between gender studies and the Lacanian perspective that relies not on identification or role-models but on the fact that there are only two ways in which to live the drive: either feminine or masculine.

Eden Roc Hotel
4525 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33140

Eden Roc 6.jpg

Online event registration coming soon through Paypal System.

The Scientific Committee of the Symposium of Culture & Clinic is issuing this Call for Papers for the Conference "What Lacan knew about women". We are soliciting two types of papers :

1.    Clinical case presentations, where the theme of the Symposium “What Lacan knew about women” as developed in the Argument, should be addressed.  Papers should be both at most 20 minutes long when read aloud and at most 15,000 characters with spaces in length.

2.    Papers that address this theme from a cultural or societal perspective, or treat the theme from a theoretical perspective.  Papers in this category should also be both at most 20 minutes long when read aloud and at most 15,000 characters with spaces in length.

Papers should begin by a short title + first and last name of the author.

Please send your texts to both the following members  of the Scientific Committee : Alicia Arenas: arenasalicia24@gmail.com and Pierre-Gilles Gueguen at pierregillesg@gmail.com.

All texts should be sent in attachment and under WORD only, with the following subject: SYMPO+ LAST NAME.
Papers should be submitted not later than January 15th, 2013.
We appreciate your interest and collaboration on the Symposium, and we are looking forward to receiving your papers and to seeing you in Miami Beach, Florida.

More information:
Official Website:

[from Lacan_Circle] [LacanianCompass]



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